
Create a comic

1. Find a joke

The best comic strips have good jokes. you can look in a joke book or use one you alredy know but either way choose a joke that could be incorporated into your comic strip. some examples of jokey comic strips. I will use a joke about a little kid who thinks he is a "genious" and has a bodygaurd very smart and hates him as my example.

2. Decide on the format

you may notice that all the strips above have a different format: the BIG NATES sre 4 panel comics but they are horizontal, the GARFIELDS are a rectangular nine panels and the red riding hood one is arectangular 4 panels. othe options include a one panel comic, an 8 panel (2 x 4) or any other number of panels of your choice. Here are some templates that you could use to get started. You could also just draw the outline. I have decided on a 4 panel rectangular format.

3. Draw a sketch (optional)

this step is completely optional, if you are unsure about your format or layout of the character / objects i would reccomend doing this step. If you feel confiddent about your comic than you can skip drawing a skech. you may do this step in pecil or pen. my sketch is shown below.

NOTICE: when you are sketching it is ok to add diolohue and other forms of text but if you wish for your final project to look more official you should leave the diologue and text bubbles blank so that you can add text after scaning it on to a computer.

4. Perfect your characters

Your comic will only look good if the characters do. Draw the characters and other repetitive objects multiple times to get them t look good and also so that youcan draw them easier and better. You will notice I changed the way Little Genious looks from my sketch.

5. Finalize

It is time to draw your final draft. Remember to leave the text bubbles blank.

6. Color (optional)

This step is yet again totoally optional, if you want your comic to remain black and white you should just leave this step but if you want you can color in your comic with gel pens or other coloring items.